We arrived mid-morning on a Thursday, and there were only two suitable sites for even a small RV available. We ended up on site 29, which gave us front row seats for watching the rock climbers.
Date of visit: Apr 2008
 Site 34 was our first pick, but as we were turning around to get to it, the fellow in the white Jeep cut us off and sped around us to get there first.
 Sites 8-7.
 Most sites, including site 14 shown here, are designed for tent campers.
 Out on the eastern loop are sites 37-38.
 Site 40.
 Site 43.
 Site 45 is at the end of the eastern loop road and has a great shade tree.
 Dead center are two climbers preparing for their ascent.
 Looking down at the end of the north loop road and a few sites.
 Look very closely to see if you spot the two climbers here.
 Across the road from the campground is the Hidden Valley Nature Trail, a fantastic 1-mile walk. . Everywhere you look in this area, you see one interesting rock formation after another.
 A section of the nature trail.
 When Hidden Valley was first opened by modern man, it was a verdant pastureland, encircled by rock escarpments which help to trap moisture within the valley.
 As far we know, this rock had no name, so Liz and I named it Steer Rock.
 This view is of a favorite climbing spot right in front of our RV, so we had ring-side seats. There was a climbing family tenting next to us; their youngest was a 7-year old girl, who had no problem scaling this face!
 As at the other campgrounds in the park, one finds lots of wildlife: lizards and iguanas, squirrels, chipmunks and rabbits.
 Well, I guess it beats hauling all the extra food back home. Folks did a pretty good job emptying the box through the morning.
 The rock formations take on an entirely different look as the sun gets lower in the western sky.
 Joshua trees at sunset.
No Dump station available
No Water
No Verizon service
Rates: $10 (50% off with Golden Age Pass) plus $15 Entrance Fee (Free with GAP) (Entrance fee good for 7 days)
45 sites in two loops
Activities/Nearby Attractions
Rock Climbing
Keys View Scenic Outlook
Keys Ranch tours