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    The home of the WXToad
  • Patrick AFB, FL

    Manatee Cove FAMCAMP


    Manatee Cove FAMCAMP is located on the west side of the Patrick AFB runway complex on the bank of the Banana River. It offers 80 sites with hookups and another 40 without. Reservations are not accepted, except for Active Duty. Note that use is restricted to military personnel only.


    After finding your way around the north end of the runway complex, you eventually come to the FAMCAMP office. It is manned 7-days a week during the busy winter months and the staff is courteous and friendly. Ron did a great job explaining how we could move from the dry-camp overflow area to a hookup site after a 3-4 day wait.

    Date of visit: Jan 2009

    We spent three nights in the overflow area. One more day and we would have had a hookup site, but a personal situation arose that had us heading back to NS Mayport.

    This is the large overflow area.

    The overflow area is the closest part of the campground to the runway complex. A little more annoying is the firing range right beside the campground.

    Storm clouds are rolling in from the west in this picture looking toward the man part of the campground.

    Sites 59-63.

    Sites 76-80 on the left, 70-75 on the right.

    Sites 1-9 are probably the best in the campground, fronting right on the river.

    The river is just to the right behind sites 10-22; sites 23-33 are on the left. Sites in this area jammed together quite closely.

    Sites 18-22 are on the left; that's 23 on the right by the stop sign.

    Centrally located is the bathhouse and laundry building. The grassy area nearby serves as the social hub of the campground. One morning a huge free breakfast was served by the Service Squadron, and had we stayed, we could have enjoyed a pig roast and live band one evening.

    Just north of the office is a nice playground and picnic area. This is also an overnight parking spot for late-night arrivals.


     Dump station, showers, laundry

    Verizon EVDO service

    Coordinates: 28.236230 N, 80.615366 W


    patrickafb map