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  • High Falls State Park, GA


    Once a prosperous town in the early 1800's, High Falls became a ghost town when bypassed by the railroad later in that century. Visitors today can enjoy the scenic Towaliga Falls. Recreational activities include camping, hiking and swimming. The park is only a short distance from I-75 in central Georgia.

    478 993-3053

    Check-in is at the office located up near the dam, across the road from the CG. Since it was rather chilly at the time of our visit, we chose a sunny site, #31. Setting up our satellite dish was a snap here, and we were in Verizon's National Access service area.

    Date of visit: Mar 2006

    As this picture shows, most of the CG is fairly bright and sunny, yet there are enough trees for some welcome shade in warmer weather.

    Here are a few more sites down nearer the river, which is just to the right of the road.

    All sites offer W/E (50&30A) hookups. There is a dump station available.

    One of 5 bathhouses, offering hot showers and laundry facilities.

    There is a smaller CG loop up near the dam on the lakeshore, but it is presently closed. Too bad - some very nice sites there.

    Above the falls is the dam that creates High Falls Lake. The park office is on the far side.

    Near the dam is a large day-use area with picnic facilities, a miniature golf course, and this swimming pool (no swimming in the lake).

    There are two hiking trails, one down each side of Towaliga Falls. One of the trails follows a sluiceway built 100 years ago to provide water to power an electrical generating station. Its remains are along the road in to the campground. There is also a nice 2-mile trail with access from the camppground.


    highfalls map