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  • Camping at LL Bean

    Freeport, ME


    This really isn't a campground, but it sure is a nice place to stop for a night or two when heading Down East. The good folks at LL Bean and the Town of Freeport are kind enough (and wise enough to realize the benefits) to allow RV's to park overnight near the center of town. This puts you within an easy walk to the LL Bean flagship store, many other outlet shops, and lots of restaurants, from small little diners to large, fancy places.

    The primary designated spot for overnight parking is just a block down from Main Street. It's a small lot with parallel parking spaces with room for 3-4 rigs per lane. If you are in the middle of a lane with rigs in front of and behind you, departing may require await for someone to move. We try to claim a spot at either the front or back a lane so we won't get blocked in.

    Most recent visit: Aug 2015

    It's an interesting place to spend a day or two. It's fun watching people and rigs come and go. One morning we were treated to the arrival of a horse and carriage used to provide rides through town. The owner had to unload the carriage and horse and get them all hooked up.

    A few years ago the main RV parking area was across the street from the current location in a much larger and flatter area. There was plenty of room to park without blocking anyone in. When we stopped here in 2007, there were about 8 other RV's here at this time. This area is still used as an overflow area.

    One needs to be totally self-contained to stay here - there are no hookups, no bathhouse facilities, and no dump station. It also helps to be considerate of ones neighbors when it comes to dogs and generators. Folks near us this visit ran their generator until 10 PM and then fired it up again right at 7 AM.

    It's only a five-minute walk to Main Street and the LL Bean store, where you may find this EEEEE boot.



    Coordinates: 43.855105 N, 70.104486 W

    Elevation: 135'

    Our dining recommendations

    For atmosphere, you can't beat Harraseekets Lobster House down in South Freeport at the Town Harbor. You can eat you lobster roll or steamed lobster on tables right by the dock. But be forewarned, you won't be able to park an RV in the area - parking is very cramped.

    But if you're looking for an excellent lobster roll and lobster stew, don't miss Morrison's Chowder House, just off Main Street and an easy walk from the RV parking lot. We've never seen such a generous lobster roll in our lives, and that stew was out of this world! Update: this is under new ownership and name, but still serves great lobster rolls.