• Welcome to Toad Hall

    The home of the WXToad
  • Sayre City RV Park, OK

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    If you're traveling Old Route 66 through Oklahoma, a very convenient spot to stop is Sayre's Sayre RV Park, just south of town. We did not spend the night here, since we had been on the road for only a few miles the morning we passed through Sayre. We did drive through the campground, however, and took a few pictures, shown below. Sort of an average-looking city campground, but we liked all the grass and large shade trees, although a number of them appeared to be dying.

    Date of visit: Sept 2013

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    The bathhouse was clean with hot showers.


     80 sites with W/E(30/50A) hookups - $12

    11 of the sites are new pull-throughs

    Frost-free water faucets

    RV dump station

    Coordinates: 35.273229 N, 99.645306 W

    Elevation: 1818'