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  • Arnold Air Development Center, TN

    arnold afb01

    Camp Forrest, located near Tullahoma, Tenn., was one of the Army's largest training bases during World War II. It was an active Army post between 1941 and 1946. Closed and demolished after the war, it was later selected as the site of the Air Force's new Air Engineering Development Center. In 1951, the center was dedicated by President Truman and renamed the Arnold Engineering Development Center in honor of General of the Air Force Henry H. "Hap" Arnold. General Arnold was World War II Commander of the Army Air Corps and the only Air Force officer to hold 5-star rank.

    AEDC is the most advanced and largest complex of flight simulation test facilities in the world with more than 58 aerodynamic and propulsion wind tunnels, rocket and turbine engine test cells, space environmental chambers, arc heaters, ballistic ranges and other specialized units. Twenty-seven of the center's test units have capabilities unmatched anywhere else in the United States; 14 are unmatched anywhere else in the world. Facilities can simulate flight conditions from sea level to altitudes above 300 miles and from subsonic velocities to those well over Mach 20.

    Note: Use is restricted to military personnel only

    arnold afb12
    Here is one's first view of the campground with pull-through site 1 on the right.

    Date of visit: March 2014

    arnold afb02
    We had called a couple of days before our arrival and made a reservation - really wasn't necessary as there were lots of available sites when we arrived. We were assigned to site 15, which faces the lake. A nice site but with quite a downslope to the front. I had to break out the ramps to supplement the height of the front leveling jacks.

    arnold afb03
    Site 21 is one of a number of pull-through sites.

    arnold afb04
    Down at the lake's edge are sites 19 and 18, which along with 17 just off to the right are the choicest sites in the campground.

    arnold afb07
    Here are sites 34-36.

    arnold afb09
    Sites 28-32 are pull-through sites.

    arnold afb10
    Sites 23-25 are back-in sites.

    arnold afb11
    Up the hill near the entrance are back-in sites 5-2 on the left, 8-10 to the right.
    Sites 1-5.

    arnold afb05
    There are a number of tent-only sites; here are numbers 11-13. The tent sites do not have hookups.

    arnold afb06
    Tent sites 1-5 are prime sites along the lake's edge.

    arnold afb17
    Further back in the campground are tent sites 17-19.

    arnold afb08
    There are two small bathhouses in the campground. Both are heated and provide free hot showers.

    arnold afb13
    Both facilities were quite clean and appear to have been painted recently, inside and out.

    arnold afb14
    There's a small convenience store in the center of the campground, closed for the winter, however.

    arnold afb16
    There's a small beach and swimming area behind sites 18 and 19. There is also a boat ramp.

    arnold afb15
    Fishing is a popular pasttime here. In the background is a small dock with several slips where campers can tie up their boats.

    36 RV sites with W/E(20/30/50A) hookups - $12-$20

    18 Tent sites w/o hookups - $7

    Dump station, showers, free wi-fi (works very well), laundry

    Excellent VZW 3G coverage

    Coordinates: 35.324392 North, 86.083103 West

    Elevation: 983'

    arnold afb map