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  • FM 512 River Park and Carl Park, TX

     fm521 01

    These are two small parks whose basic purpose is to provide boat ramps. FM 521 park is located on the Colorado River about 5 miles southwest of Wadsworth, while Carl Park is about 10 miles west of FM 521 park. Both are located along FM 521.

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    We stopped at FM 521 park to enjoy lunch by the Colorado River and did not spend the night. A sign near the entrance stated that camping was allowed with a three-day limit.

    Date of visit: Feb 2012

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    Not much in the way of amenities here - a porta-potty and a trash dumpster. "Camping" is in a parking lot with the river on one side and a grassy field on the other.

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    There are several picnic tables and a pavilion along the river bank.

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    A ramp leads down to a dock on the edge of the river.

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    The boat ramp struck me as rather steep.

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    Carl County Park is located about 10 miles west of FM 521 park. It's even more primitive than FM 521 Park - no toilet or dumpster.

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    There are a few picnic tables around the parking lot. The sign at the emtrance states nothing about camping, but I found at least one web site that says camping is allowed.

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    It also offers a long dock along the Tres Palacios River, where one can tie up a boat or do some fishing.