Guadalupe Mts NP - Pine Springs CG, TX
Guadalupe Mts NP is located in west Texas about 110 miles east of El Paso on US 62/180. The park HQ and Visitors Center is at Pine Springs. There are two campgrounds - one at Pine Springs and another in Dog Canyon, accessible from New Mexico. 915 828-3251 |
Date of visit: Mar 2008 |
Amenities Dump station available Verizon Extended Network service (but my phone, despite 3 bars, would not dial) Rates: $8 (50% off with Golden Age Pass) Open all year Coord: 31.896137 N, 104.827390 W Activities/Nearby Attractions Guadalupe Peak and other hiking destinations Frijole Ranch History Museum Carlsbad Caverns (55 miles north)