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    The home of the WXToad
  • Map/Computer Light for Cab

    Ever since building our laptop console last year, I had been looking for a light to mount over the computer for night-time use. At the Fall '05 LD GTG in Burlington, what should I find on the Silent Auction table but a nice little 12-volt, goose-neck light - just what I was looking for. And I managed to win it ! It's made by Littlite.



    This picture shows how the gooseneck flexes down to illuminate the computer console. 



    For travel, the gooseneck easily flexes up and rests in the loop of cables to the CB radio. 



     This shows the base of the light mounted up beside the CB radio. It was easy to splice the light wires into the CB radio power line.
     ld107  A close-up view of the lamps base, showing the on/off knob that also controls the brightness of the light.