The Great Around-the-USA Adventure
Holy Potatoes, Batman....we're in Idaho! |
2 Jun 08: Our round-the-country trek continues, as we're now on the final, that is eastward, leg of our journey. Down the east coast last fall, across the south over the winter, up the Pacific coast this spring, and now homeward-bound. Not that we're in any hurry to get there. We left Fairchild AFB near Spokane this morning and crossed into Idaho about noon. For pictures and comments of all the campgrounds we visited, click on "Campground Reviews" in Top Menu or on the links in the journal. |
Just over the border from Washington, Post Falls is the first town one encounters. Here the Spokane River cuts into a narrow gorge. For over a hundred years, man has tapped the power of the water here: grain mills, lumber mills and more recently, power generating turbines. What you see here is the run-off from the heavy snows of the past winter. | |
Just downstream from the above dam the water really churns through the gorge. | |
On our way to Beauty Creek CG for the night, we drove around the northeast end of Lake Coeur d'Alene. | |
3 Jun 08: Skies were a little more blue this morning as we drove out around Lake Coeur d'Alene. | |
We headed back to Coeur d'Alene to do our daily walk. | |
Tubbs Hill Park in Coeur d'Alene occupies a peninsula jutting into the lake. There is a network of trails around and over the hill, affording views of the lake and city. | |
From near the summit of Tubbs Hill we had this vista of lake and mountains Leaving CDA, we headed north to Springy Point COE CG near Sandpoint, ID. Time to head into Montana - come along with us. |