The Great Around-the-USA Adventure
South Dakota: Mount Rushmore National Memorial
Mount Rushmore National Memorial is loacted near Keystone in the Black Hills of western South Dakota. |
This was our first view of the four presidents as we approached the park. The heads are as large as six-story buildings. Date of visit: Jun 2008 |
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Liz took this picture as we turned into the park road. |
The skt was a leaden overcast when we arrived, so there's not much contrast in the pictures. On the plus side, though, there are no shadows to hide details. | |
Inside sculptor Gutzon Borglum's studio is the one-twelfth size model he built and from which the carvings on the mountain were made. | |
After lunch the clouds broke up a bit, providing some blue sky and sunshine. I went back for some more pictures in the different lighting. I only took this picture because I really was NOT impressed with the commercialization of the approach to the mountain. Additionally, the Park Service has contracted out the parking concession, and by claiming that there is no entrance fee (although there is a $10 parking fee), they do not honor any of the US park passes, such as Golden Age. | |
The contrast of colors in the sunlight make for an entirely different appearance from this morning. |
This shows the incredible amount of rubble stone that was blasted off the mountain. | |
Near the base of the mountain is a small cave-like grotto which lines up nicely with Washington and Lincoln. | |
Leaving the park, about a half mile west of the entrance, is this nice profile view of Washington.