A Hike at Persimmon Ridge City Park, TN |
13 Apr 10: After such a cold and wet winter in Florida, we're really enjoying a wonderfully pleasant spell of spring weather as we near the end of our winter sojourn. As we wait for some mail to catch up with us, we're relaxing at Persimmon Ridge City Park in Jonesborough, TN, in the western foothills of the Smoky Mountains. This morning we explored some hiking trails in the park. |
"Luke's Trail" begins at the play area beside the campground and zig-zags its way up to the top of the ridge. Unfortunately, thanks to the trees, there's not to be seen from up there. | |
Lots of wildflowers along the trail. |
We followed the trail down into the valley at the far end of the ridge where it crosses a stream on a wooden bridge. | |
Under the bridge the water glistens as it tumbles over the rocky streambed. | |
From the bridge, we followed this old road back toward the main part of the park. | |
This was an interesting stump which had rotted from the inside out. | |
At one point the trail passes near a small creek running through a farm field. | |
This long boardwalk/bridge connects the trail system to the water park portion of the park. |