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  • Another Winter in Florida - '04 - '05

    Once again it was time to flee the New England winter and head back to some of our favorite haunts in Florida...and along the way. We spent three weeks wandering down the East Coast, including a week's stay at Edisto Beach SP, SC. The highlight of the winter was our stint as volunteer Camp Hosts at Gamble Rogers SRA in Flagler Beach, FL. Later in the winter we made our annual stop at St Joseph Memorial SP and visited some new parks in the Panhandle. All too soon it was time to head home - we wandered up through GA into the NC mountains and then northward down the Shenandoah valley. We were a couple weeks too early (late March) - buds were just barely beginning to appear.

     Edisto Beach SP, SC. A wonderful campground right beside the beach. This is a must-do stopover for us each fall as we head south.  PDR 1101
     PDR 1106  Sunrise at Edisto Beach, SC.
     Couldn't resist the lighting provided by this sunset at Ft McAllister SP, GA.  PDR 1134
     PDR 1167  Sunrise at Flagler Beach, FL.
     Lighthouse at Ponce De Leon Inlet, just south of Daytona. PDR 1175 
     PDR 1304  How about this for a great spot to spend six weeks? This was the Host's spot at Gamble Rogers SRA, FL. Had a great time and the staff there is very friendly. We're all signed up to go back this next winter. Stop by for a visit. We had about 6 LD's visit during our time there.
    Here he is - the CG Host ready to make his rounds. It's hard to get anything done, though - I seem to end up yakking with folks all the time.   PDR 1309
     PDR 1273  Our tw0-month volunteer stint was up in mid-February and we had the rest of winter to wander around to our hearts' content. We saw lots of manatees on our visit to Blue Springs SP.
     The Suwanee River at Suwanee SP, FL.  PDR 1376
     PDR 1452  Sunrise at Three Rivers SP, FL.
     We're seeing signs of spring, so I guess it's time to head back towards New England and home. Here we are on site # 29 at Hamburg SP, GA. Every site in the CG is at water's edge.  PDR 1461
     PDR 1464  The old grist mill at Hamburg SP. It still operates and we bought some freshly-ground corn there.
     Natural Chimney Regional Park in Mt Solon VA. PDR 1489