4 Days Railfanning in Vermont
In July of 2007, an old college buddy and I spent 4 days chasing down railroad activity in Vermont (with a little action in Massachusetts as we started out).
Our first stop was in Palmer, MA, where we found a CSX freight crossing the NECR diamond.
SD70MAC's 4789-4726 were on the front.
17 Jul 2007
Also in Palmer we found NECR 3845-4047.
17 Jul 2007
Heading north, we stopped at Millers Falls, MA, where we had quite a stroke of luck: two trains simultaneously on two different railroads. In the foreground an eastbound coal train was on GTI tracks, while off in the distance, you can just make out an approaching AMTRAK train on NECR track.
17 Jul 2007
The southbound Vermonter, with #90 hauling, passes the coal train at Millers Falls.
17 Jul 2007
Finally in Vermont, we found a tied-up NECR train at Brattleboro. Locomotives were 7362-3715-8350-9426.
17 Jul 2007
VTR #201 (GP38-2) was passing the Bellows Falls station on its way back to North Walpole for the night.
17 Jul 2007
GMR #4, the "Macintyre" at North Walpole NH.
17 Jul 07
Now here's an oldie - GMR #405 at North Walpole NH. It's a former Rutland RS1.
17 Jul 2007
Here's another oldie: VTR plow X20, built in 1912.
17 Jul 2007
Moving on to White River Jct, we found VTR #307 (GP-40-2).
17 Jul 2007
B&M 4-4-0 #494 has moved since my last visit to the area. On display for years in nearby Hartford, #494 was moved to WRJ a few years ago and placed under a protective canopy.
17 Jul 2007
NECR #3844 (GP38) passes the WRJ station.
17 Jul 2007
Amtrak #111 (P42) heads up the northbound Vermonter.
17 Jul 2007
Continuing northward, #101 passes NECR #5032-3851.
17 Jul 2007
NECR #5032-3851 switching in front of the WRJ depot.
17 Jul 2007
The next morning was rather misty as we found VTR #307 northbound at Newbury.
18 Jul 2007
A little further north, VTR #307 is slowing for its meet with its southbound counterpart at Wells River.
18 Jul 2007
VTR #204 and 307 idle as the crews swap trains at Wells River.
18 Jul 2007
Up near the Canadian border, in Newport VT, we found MMA #8560 passing along the shore of Lake Memphremagog.
18 Jul 2007
The following morning we headed for St Albans, where we found NECR #3857 and 3849 in the shop.
19 Jul 2007
Pulling out of the St Albans yard with the Burlington chip train is NECR #3852.
19 Jul 2007
Who says cabooses are gone?? Here's former CV buggy, #4044, on the rear of the chip train.
19 Jul 2007
CN #5327-6007 have just arrived and dropped their train in the St Albans yard.
19 Jul 2007
VTR #301-305-311 crossing the bridge at Cuttingsville.
19 Jul 2007
Pulling into Rutland off the Bellows Falls line are #301-305-311. We also had the Rutland switcher, #302.
19 Jul 2007
VTR #301-305-311 behind the shopping center in downtown Rutland.
19 Jul 2007
Tied up for the night at the Rutland enginehouse are #308, 302, and 301.
19 Jul 2007
The next morning we caught up with VTR #311-305-301 in Ludlow.
20 Jul 2007
Passing the Luzenac plant in Ludlow is VTR #801.
20 Jul 2007
Our last stop of the trip was at Guilford's East Deerfield Yard. About ready to call it quits, we were rewarded with two trains at once - a coal train for the Mt Tom power plant, and MOED in the distance.
20 Jul 2007
#319-312 were on the coal train (left), while #503-308-344-506-370 headed up MOED (right).
20 Jul 2007
#503-308-344-506-370, off MOED, head for the crew change trailer.
20 Jul 2007
#319-312 head out with the Mt Tom coal train.
20 Jul 2007
#321 has pusher duty on the coal train.
20 Jul 2007