Auto Train - 1975
A sunny, but chilly day at Lorton, VA, the northern terminus of the Auto Train. I wish I had been among those who were getting ready to ride in comfort down to Florida with their cars on the train as well.
28 Jan 1975
#621 has switching duties. She's a Baldwin S12, built in 5/1952. She even has a name: "Gene", after the founder of Auto Train, Eugene K. Garfield.
The loading ramp.
Auto Train operated as a private company from 1971 to 1981. It ceased operations in April 1981. Amtrak resurrected the Auto Train in October 1983.
#621 in the distance.
U36B #4006
U36B $4006
U36B's $4006-4002-4009
To learn more about the original Auto Train visit its website.