• Welcome to Toad Hall

    The home of the WXToad
  • Bowman Lions Club CG, ND

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    If you're looking for an inexpensive, pleasant spot to spend a night on your way through North Dakota on US-12, this little campground might fill the bill. It's on the east side of town just a short distance from the city's Butte View Campground. To help the Lions maintain and improve the site, a small donation is requested.

    Coordinates: 46.17611 N, 103.39066 W

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    This little campground is just off the highway in a grassy area backed by some trees that provide afternoon shade.

    Date of visit: Sep 2011

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    There's a small picnic pavilion where campers can gather to share their tales of the road.

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    New this year is a small bathroom facility - no showers, however.

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    There are even two sets of horseshoe pits.

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    This sign posted at the campground sums it up.